Aspire Digital Solution

Divi 4.0 for WordPress is Coming October 17th!

Published September 27, 2019
Read Time: 7 min

Divi 4.0 Is Coming October 17th

September 27, 2019
by: Mark Kaufmann

To all WordPress professionals and our valued clients using Divi – mark your calendar.

We at Aspire are enormous supporters of Divi – the world’s most popular WordPress theme builder. The brains behind Divi have completely changed the way WordPress websites are designed and built, replacing the standard WordPress post editor with a robust, feature rich framework that has all but eliminated the need for Photoshop mockups.

Our decision to adopt Divi into our business model has several far-reaching benefits for our clients – including quicker turnaround times, live-editing experiences, amazing website designs, less expensive website maintenance, and an overall smoother web development experience.

On October 17th Divi will be releasing the much anticipated version 4.0. With the new Theme Builder, we will be able to customize everything: Headers, footers, post templates, product templates, category pages, shop pages, 404 pages and more. Create unique designs for each part of your website using conditional logic and do it all from a super slick new Theme Builder interface. We know every Divi user is going to love it!

Learn More About Divi 4.0 >

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Why does Aspire prefer Divi+Wordpress for small business websites?

Excellent question! WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world and is used by nearly 75 million websites. As a digital marketing agency serving many small and local businesses, a lot of our clients prefer to have full control over their WordPress website. Even clients who retain us for website maintenance like having the peace of mind of knowing that in a crunch – they can make a quick update to their website, or post something to their blog without having to call us. (Although we do have lightening fast support 🙂 )

While some clients prefer to remain hands off and let us handle their website maintenance and minor updates – our more tech-adventurous clients want the ability to go in and make content updates to their websites themselves. Back in the day (pre-2015), even the slightest WordPress update could prove daunting to a novice WordPress user. After a few training sessions, our clients would leave saying “I got this…”, then need to return shortly after for a refresher. In most cases, we’d end up still having to perform the desired update.

Today – thanks to Divi – we are able to provide WordPress training to our clients that they can actually use and makes sense to them. The proof is in the data. Today, our clients of all skill levels are successfully performing updates to their WordPress websites. I mean, we sent a man to the moon… shouldn’t you be able to update your own website?

What about other visual builders for WordPress?

Not all WordPress themes are created equal. If you’ve ever shopped for a WordPress template on a marketplace like themeforest.net, it can be very challenging to make a decision. Plus, you never know what you’re gonna get until you shell out the $49-$99 and install it on your WordPress server. Old-school do-it-yourself WordPress themes built on frameworks like Visual Composer or Beaver Builder advertise that they are easy to use, but – in our experience – our clients have tremendous difficulty working with these. For a very practical exercise – try changing the font of a specific section of your webpage in Visual Composer (the framework most pre-packaged WordPress themes are built on) – without affecting the font of the entire website. In Divi – a task like this is no problem.

We are WordPress + Divi Experts

If you’d like a new website for your business, are unhappy with your current website, or just need some general help with WordPress – contact us today!



About the Author

Mark has worked in the marketing industry for over 8 years, with extensive experience in digital business strategy, conversion rate and search engine optimization, UX design, and website architecture. With backgrounds in both business and writing, Mark brings a unique blend of creativity and data-driven strategy to the table for the Aspire team. Mark remains a student of the ever-changing digital marketing and SEO landscape, and is an upcoming voice in the world of SEO and small business.