Aspire Digital Solution

Aspire Smart WiFi

Grow your email list and much more using your existing guest WiFi network.

What’s Smart WiFi?

If you’ve been to a Starbucks or McDonalds lately and tried to access guest WiFi, Smart WiFi is the middle-man that asks for your e-mail in exchange for free access.

What’s Aspire Smart WiFi?

We’ve leveraged that same technology, packaged it for local businesses, and added some amazing custom features that your customers will love. We call it the complete & automated marketing solution for local businesses:

  • build a perfect email list – fast
  • get more Facebook likes and followers
  • generate 5 star reviews and prevent negative reviews
  • build a customer loyalty program that tracks visits automatically (throw out those punch cards)
  • build a referral program
  • send offers to customers who haven’t visited in a while
  • integrate with your favorite tools

It’s as simple as plugging in our pre-configured Smart WiFi Wireless device into your internet connection port. All done!

Local Business Owners Get Immediate Results


Increase Sales

Half of small businesses surveyed said that customers spent more money when Smart WiFi is available

Source: BI Intelligence


Drive More Customers

64% of respondentes make a restaurant choice based on availability of Wi-Fi services


Real-Time Promotions

74% of people would be happy for a retailer to send a text or email with promotions while they’re using in-store WiFi

Source: OnDeviceResearch


Overall Success

Businesses who offer free WiFi to boost sales numbers have a success rate of 72%

Source: IGR

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Grow Your Customer List

Automatically collect guest WiFi user profiles from Facebook™ and other social networks, email capture, SMS authentication, and neatly organize all guest data in your CRM.

f guest profiles Collect user demographic data as guest profiles

f wifi analytics View real-time data streams of your guest WiFi

f visualizations Easily filter, analyze and display guest analytics

f presence analytics Presence analytics for footfall heatmaps

f location reports Schedule customized analytics reports

f data Export your data or trigger via JSON webhooks

Marketing Autopilot
Automatically send email/sms offers and reminders to customers if they haven’t connected to your Wi-Fi network after a certain period of time. These campaigns are 10x more effective than other marketing tools.

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Loyalty Rewards
Give your loyal customers rewards when they log on to your Free Wi-Fi and keep them coming back with promotions, coupons, contests and special offers – it’s like a digital punchcard.
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mywifi quickreport analytics
Grow Your Customer List

Automatically collect guest WiFi user profiles from Facebook™ and other social networks, email capture, SMS authentication, and neatly organize all guest data in your CRM.

f guest profiles Collect user demographic data as guest profiles

f wifi analytics View real-time data streams of your guest WiFi

f visualizations Easily filter, analyze and display guest analytics

f presence analytics Presence analytics for footfall heatmaps

f location reports Schedule customized analytics reports

f data Export your data or trigger via JSON webhooks

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Marketing Autopilot
Automatically send email/sms offers and reminders to customers if they haven’t connected to your Wi-Fi network after a certain period of time. These campaigns are 10x more effective than other marketing tools.

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Loyalty Rewards
Give your loyal customers rewards when they log on to your Free Wi-Fi and keep them coming back with promotions, coupons, contests and special offers – it’s like a digital punchcard.
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Additional benefits for your business

  • It protects your network from attackers – high network security features
  • Keeps your eftPOS on a separate network for faster transaction processing
  • Enables you to easily block users who are abusing your free WiFi service
  • Has a “Safe Search” content filter – in many countries a legal requirement
  • One less thing for staff to worry about – no password requests
  • You are legally protected – Fully Compliant with data collection and protection laws
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Aspire WiFiFunnelPage Passwords

Goodbye Passwords

No more long, mistake-prone WiFi passwords, which your customers will LOVE.
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Social Engagement

Connect and engage with your customers through social media.
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Increase Sales

Get more customers in the door of your business and keep them coming back.
Aspire WiFiFunnelPage LeadGeneration

Lead Generation

Turn your Free WiFi into a lead generation machine with retargeting and referral programs
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Loyalty Rewards

Reward your loyal customers when they login to your Free WiFi service.
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In-Depth Analytics

Learn WHO your best customers are and HOW OFTEN they visit with full reporting.

How Does It Work?

For many small businesses guest WiFi is just an afterthought, usually offered through an unsecured network or a complicated password (that you get asked for 50 times a day).

Let us set up a social-powered Wi-Fi Hotspot that instantly generates leads for you to increase sales and grow your business.


Step 1


Your customer is delighted to connect to your Free Wi-Fi connection on their smartphone, tablet or laptop.

Get Social

Your customer will be directed to a landing page that is branded to your establishment, asking them to log-in with their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Instagram or Email accounts to access your Free Wi-Fi. You decide which login options you’d like to provide.

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Step 2


Step 3


Your customer is encouraged to ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ your Facebook business page before they are redirected to your in store promotions and special offers.


Customers enjoy Free Wi-Fi. You enjoy automatically gathering valuable data that can be used for continued engagement and future marketing campaigns.


Step 4

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Step 5

Marketing & Reviews

One of the most important capabilities unique to Aspire Smart Wi-Fi is our automated review request system. Send timely, automated feedback requests to customers after they disconnect from your guest WiFi – while the experience is still fresh in their mind.  4 and 5 star reviews get routed directly to the platform of your choice, while 1, 2 & 3 star reviews direct customers to a private feedback form that goes right to you. There are many review generation tools out there, but none that can identify exactly when a customer has visited your location. The review generation add-on for Aspire Smart WiFi makes this possible.

How Does It Work?

For many small businesses guest WiFi is just an afterthought, usually offered through an unsecured network or a complicated password (that you get asked for 50 times a day).

Let us set up a social-powered Wi-Fi Hotspot that instantly generates leads for you to increase sales and grow your business.


Step 1


Your customer is delighted to connect to your Free Wi-Fi connection on their smartphone, tablet or laptop.
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Step 2

Get Social

Your customer will be directed to a landing page that is branded to your establishment, asking them to log-in with their Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, Instagram or Email accounts to access your Free Wi-Fi. You decide which login options you’d like to provide.


Step 3


Your customer is encouraged to ‘Share’ and ‘Like’ your Facebook business page before they are redirected to your in store promotions and special offers.


Step 4


Customers enjoy Free Wi-Fi. You enjoy automatically gathering valuable data that can be used for continued engagement and future marketing campaigns.

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Step 5

Marketing & Reviews

One of the most important capabilities unique to Aspire Smart Wi-Fi is our automated review request system. Send timely automated feedback requests to customers after they disconnect from your guest WiFi – while the experience is still fresh in their mind.  4 and 5 star reviews get routed directly to the platform of your choice, while 1, 2 & 3 star reviews direct customers to a private feedback form that goes right to you. There are many review generation tools out there, but none that can identify exactly when a customer has visited your location. The review generation add-on for Aspire Smart WiFi makes this possible. 

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and Start Growing Your Business Today