Regardless of the cuisine you serve, here’s one thing your restaurant should have on its menu…free WiFi.
The general public has come to expect this everyday modern amenity, and thus, from coffee shops to fine dining, it’s rare to eat out without WiFi being readily available.
Local business owners have also taken notice that offering free WiFi access for their customers contributes to the success of their business:
- Businesses who provide free WiFi to boost sales numbers have a success rate of 72% (Source: IGR)
- Half of small businesses surveyed said that customers spent more money when Smart WiFi is available (Source: BI Intelligence)
- 64% of consumer respondents make a restaurant choice based on availability of Wi-Fi services
Knowing that WiFi has become something most customers expect, did you know that you can actually leverage it as a marketing asset to significantly grow your restaurant business?

In addition to providing a perk for your customers, your WiFi network can be used as an invaluable marketing solution used to increase sales, get more customers in your door and keep them coming back.
Yup, your WiFi can make your customers happy AND work overtime for you!
Our company, Aspire Digital Solutions, based in Ridgefield, CT, is working with many restaurants and other local businesses to set up social-powered WiFi Hotspots that offer owners access to a wealth of valuable customer analytics. Through our cloud software enabled over your existing WiFi network, we provide real-time customer data and insights (think email addresses, social profiles, etc), which can then be used for your marketing purposes.
Quite simply, the more customer info you have, the more your restaurant can attract and keep them.
This comprehensive marketing solution is utilized by QSR powerhouses such as McDonald’s and Starbucks, and now you have the opportunity to bring this same level of technology and marketing automation to your restaurant.
If there’s one marketing tool your restaurant needs in its arsenal, it’s Aspire Smart WiFi. Here are four (although there are many more!) reasons you should consider making this relatively inexpensive upgrade to your current WiFi system.
Grow Your Customer List
There is no greater lead generation solution tool for restaurants to build email lists and capture real customer data in the market, especially if you don’t have a reward program or POS system.
Using our platform, we guarantee you’ll quadruple your email list – and hence increase your sales – in less than 30 days.
Target & Reward Customers
Automated emails/sms communications such as offers, reminders and promotions can be sent to customers if they haven’t connected to your WiFi network after a certain period of time. For example, “Hey, Susie, we miss you! Have a drink on us the next time you stop in.”
These targeted campaigns have proven to be 10x more effective than other marketing tools, especially for restaurants.
Generate Customer Reviews
While there are many review generation tools in the marketplace, none can precisely identify when a customer has visited your location. As many owners can attest, reviews and customer feedback can dramatically help or hurt a restaurant, so being able to increase your online reputation and address any issues is extremely valuable.
Endless Benefits for Your Biz
Aspire Smart WiFi is convenient for everyone, staff and customers alike. No more long, mistake-prone WiFi passwords, which your customers will LOVE, and unlike many other unsecured networks, this WiFi Hotspot capability is completely safe and secure.
Additionally, installation couldn’t be easier for restaurants. Our experienced team will:
- Analyze your WiFi network
- Install a preconfigured hot spot
- Create a custom splash page branded to your restaurant, determining social login options, user’s data, etc.
It’s then as simple as plugging in our pre-configured Smart WiFi Wireless device into your internet connection port.
No Pain, No Gain
The restaurant business is hard work, so why not make your marketing efforts more effective and less labor intensive?
From building relationships with your loyal customers to sending out personalized communications, picture the unlimited and creative ways Aspire Smart WiFi can increase sales and visibility for your restaurant.
Connect with us today to schedule a complimentary demo so that you can transform a customer expectation like WiFi into your most powerful restaurant marketing tool yet.
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