Website Design Trends for 2023

Published December 22, 2022
Read Time: 8 min
website design

This is an article about website design for 2023, but let’s open it with a somewhat dated reference: remember when they used to call the internet the “information superhighway?”

For those of us who remember the 90s, that term might bring back memories of stiff politicians in drab suits, but it’s actually a decent metaphor for the online experience we’ve ended up with today.

Today’s consumer – today’s human, for the most part – is flying through online content across multiple platforms at super speed for a solid portion of their day, navigating their mobile devices through digital space like the Jetsons cars progress has yet to deliver in facsimile.


Let’s talk about your website.

A lot of businesses and professionals “get their site done,” stick it up there on the internet, maybe post a blog here and there, and call it a day. If you’re reading this, you’re probably aware that you could be getting a lot more out of your website, and we hope to give you some guideposts in this article to point you in the right direction for your website design in 2023.

Because if the internet is a superhighway of information, then every piece of content you post is a super billboard. In a lot of cases, given the speed they’re moving, your target audience is just catching glimpses at first. But keep putting up eye-catching billboards for every few miles of their journey, you start to generate recognition and interest.

Click here to learn about the importance of content marketing

Your website, though, has to be more than just another billboard along that highway of information. You’ve got to look at it as your flagship store, the one the billboards have been priming your audience to want to come and visit. Every bit of care you’d take in your flagship store – from appearance to orderliness, to the services provided – must be taken for your website.

81% of retail shoppers reported conducting research online before buying in store in 2022. (Invoca)

You could be anything from a local brick-and-mortar business owner to a fully-online e-commerce entrepreneur. Whatever your industry, your business model, your potential customers, and clients are increasingly checking you out online before they make contact or stop in. And your website is a big part of that research.

There’s a good chance you’ve done some research on businesses yourself, maybe out and about in a new area and looking for some need. What kind of impression does it make on you when – for example – you find a business on your Google Maps that has no website? Maybe just a Facebook page, or not even that – maybe all you can find is an unclaimed Google My Business profile.


Why choose a business over the several others at your fingertips that DO have great websites?

How likely are you to choose a business that has an outdated or poorly-designed site – one that doesn’t have the information you need or a quick and convenient contact method to get it, or has some missing functionality that makes it difficult to navigate or use its services – when there are others out there where you can get whatever you need in seconds?

Click, tap, on to the next one, right?

Your potential customers are no different. Unless you have managed to find a niche with absolutely no competition, you cannot afford to be the business with a website that makes people want to go check out someone else’s.

woman looking at ugly website on smartphone - aspire digital solutions website design

2023 will be a year of ongoing developments in the web design sphere, as new innovations in tech and search algorithms pose new challenges and open new opportunities for businesses that stay ahead of the upcoming trends. In other words, there’s never been a better time to get ahead of the competition with good, professional web design that takes these new developments into consideration – or a worse time to fall behind.

And a stock WordPress template is not going to cut it.

Article: 2023 Marketing Trends

At Aspire Digital Solutions, one of the most common issues we identify in our consultations with businesses like yours is an underperforming website. With website design being a cornerstone of our complete suite of digital services, we excel at developing sites that bring your business’ excellence to your target audience anywhere, any time.

So if you’re great at what you do – but what you do isn’t necessarily web design – we’re glad to talk to you about how your business can experience the game-changing benefits of a strong web presence anchored by a powerful, website.

Below is a brief guide to the elements of web design that are going to make the biggest difference for your business in 2023.


5 top tips for web design in 2023


1. User experience is everything

With the world available to them at the tap of a finger, today’s consumer has high expectations for site load times, layout, appearance, and navigability. Moreover, they expect your site to be a powerful platform that can handle a variety of their needs as quickly and conveniently as possible. Your website should be as automated and well-integrated as possible with all aspects of your business to meet those needs.


2. Mobile-first is first priority

As of November 2022, over half of all internet traffic was via mobile devices (Oberlo, 2022). Your customers expect to be able to easily and conveniently access your site from all devices, and with mere seconds of load time making worlds of difference in retention, your business’ site must meet that expectation. The search engines are already doing so, with mobile performance being a top factor in search rankings – and therefore, in how many people see your site in the first place.


3. Custom graphical elements make a strong first impression

2023 is a year to move beyond the “cookie-cutter,” says Aspire president Christine Mullen. “First impressions are everything, and the first thing a person sees is the visual elements of your site. When people use stock imagery, it’s obvious. Custom graphics can capture your messaging, your brand, to the colors, and everything that really ties your site together. Integrating custom photos, icons, and infographics into your written content is a great way to capture and retain user attention and stand out.


4. Personalized, well-written content engages your audience

Among the best services your business can offer its website users is a free look into your business, its culture, and industry knowledge. A regularly-updated blog should be a cornerstone of your web presence. As your insights into your audience increase through digital solutions like tracking and analytics, do all you can to personalize your content for your most engaged audiences to foster a personal connection to your brand. And remember to optimize your content to reap the benefits of high search rank for a variety of terms related to your industry.


5. Make social connections, show social proof

Among the most powerful benefits of your site is the ability to stay connected with your audience. Make it a conversation by integrating social media and customer reviews. A study by Inc. Magazine showed that over 80% of online consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust the opinions of people they actually know. Give your best customers the chance to be your best brand ambassadors with convenient methods easily available on your website.


Partner with web design pros to empower your site for 2023

We hope that this brief guide is of benefit to your web design considerations for 2023. If you’d like more information on how to take your website to the next level, we at Aspire Digital Solutions would be glad to assist. Contact us for a consultation today and get ready for 2023.

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About the Author

Mark has worked in the marketing industry for over 11 years, with extensive experience in digital business strategy, conversion rate and search engine optimization, UX design, and website architecture. With backgrounds in both business and writing, Mark brings a unique blend of creativity, problem solving, and data-driven strategy to the table for the Aspire team. Mark remains a student of the ever-changing digital marketing and SEO landscapes, and is an upcoming voice in the worlds of SEO and strategic marketing.